
Ingen samordning kring GDPR

Media har gjort en undersökning. De ville veta hur det står till med att få ut information om vad som är lagrat i företags och offentliga organisationers system. Allt enligt kraven enligt GDPR. Det verkar vara lite si och så med att få ut informationen snabbt, enkelt och korrekt. I en intervju med en representant för Stockholms stad sa att…

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Identifiera och organisera er kompetens

I den här videon kommer jag att prata om kompetensorganisationen och varför du behöver ha en. Hej, Matts Rehnström här, Shaper of Business Excellence. I den här videon kommer jag att prata om ännu en av dessa mycket viktiga komponenter som vi har inom vår verksamhet. Och det är så viktigt för dig att utmärka dig. För om du gör…

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The New View of Your Organization(BV38)
Featured, News

The New View of Your Organization(BV38)

In this video, I’m going to talk about the organizational model and how you can look at your business in a totally new way. Hi there. Matts Rehnstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. And once again, welcome back to the series where I talk about these very important business excellence components and the relationship between them. I Want to Help…

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Featured, News

How to Know Who to Serve(BV36)

In this video, I’m going to describe how you identify your market and how you specify your Avatar. Hi there, Matts Rehnstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. And welcome to this series where I go through all of these important business excellence components. All of the Business Components Mesh These components are very important for you because if you can…

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Do You Know Your Patterns of Behavior? (BV31)

Do You Know Your Patterns of Behavior (BV31)

In this video, I’m going to talk about the patterns of behavior that you have in your business. Hi there. Matts Rehnstrom here. Shaper of Business Excellence. Welcome back to this video series where I go through the business excellence components and the relationship between them and that is important for you because when you have understood them all and…

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The Insecure Organization (BV29)

The Insecure Organization (BV29)

In this video, I will talk about the insecure organization and why you need to get out of the chaos and to improve your business. Hi there. Matts Rehnstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. I’m continuing this mini-series of explaining the clarity matrix and it’s all connected to all of these, I should say, all these components that you need…

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The Manageable Situation BV28

The Manageable Situation (BV28)

In this video, I will talk about the manageable organization and why you need to get out of the chaos that you might have in your organization today. Hi there. Matts Rehnstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. In this video, I will continue to talk about the clarity matrix that I introduced in the last video. And it’s all connected…

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The Manipulative Organization BV27

The Manipulative Organization (BV27)

In this video, I will talk about the manipulative organization and why you need to get out of the chaos. Hi there. Matts Rehnstrom here. Shaper of Business Excellence. Thanks for all the emails and comments on my previous videos from this series. One of the questions, actually I think it was a couple of questions, was  ” Why do…

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What Factors Are Critical To Your Success (BV25)

Hi there. Matts Rhenstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. I’m standing here in front of my poster, the Business Excellence Component, Relationship Chart, showing all the components that we need to work with in order to succeed in our improvement work, building a better business. In this video I’m going to talk about the critical success factors and the critical…

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Like a Shining Beacon in the Night-BV23

Like a Shining Beacon in the Night (BV23)

About 50% to 70% of business improvement efforts fail according to many studies, yet I’ve discovered on an approach that is delivering a 70% success rate on my improvement work. In this video, I’ll share one piece of the puzzle that has helped make this success possible. Hi there, Matts Rehnstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. In this video, let…

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what is the idea behind your business bv 22

What is the Idea Behind Your Business? (BV22)

About 50% to 70%  of business improvement efforts fail according to many studies, yet I’ve discovered on an approach that is delivering a 70% success rate on my improvement work. In this video, I’ll share another piece of the puzzle that has helped make this success possible. Hi there, Matts Rehnstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. In this video, I’m…

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bv-20a -The-7-Basic-Success-Elements

The 7 Basic Success Elements (BV 20a)

About 50% to 70 p% of business improvement efforts fail according to many studies, yet I’ve discovered under approach that is delivering a 70% success rate on my improvement work. In this video, I’ll share one piece of the puzzle that has helped make this success possible. Hi there, Matts Rehnstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. In this video I’m…

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Your WHY (BV 19a)

About 50% to 70% of business improvement efforts fail according to many studies. Yet I’ve discovered an approach that is delivering a 70% success rate on my improvement work. In this video, I’ll share one piece of the puzzle that has helped make this success possible. Hi there, Matts Rehnstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. In this video, I’m going…

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The #1 Prescription for the Silo Syndrome (BV16)

Hi there, Matts Rehnstrom here. Shaper of Business Excellence. In this video, I’m going to give you the number one prescription for the Silo Syndrome. As you know, all the advice I give you is based on my 25 years of experience helping different organizations to improve. The main thing that I see as an obstacle for improvement work is…

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The #1 Way to Fail in Improvement (BV12)

Hi there, Matts Rehnstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. In this video, I’m going to talk about one sure way how you could fail in your improvement work. One way to fail in your improvement work is to have no improvement model at all. Another way to fail is to have several improvement models. You Need a Road Map to…

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Step Back and Learn Something New (BV8)

In this video I’m going to talk about the importance of actually understanding that you don’t know it all. You might have seen the cartoon with the guy who comes with a wheelbarrow and he own that wheelbarrow, it has a squared wheel.  And he’s working very, very hard to move bricks or stones or whatever. And on the side…

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Dare to ask Critical Questions (BV7)

To get a good understanding of what is going on in the business we need to be able to ask questions – a lot of questions. But sometimes those questions that we need to ask are too sensitive to ask. And maybe we need to ask those sensitive question to a high level manager. This video address this dilemma. I’m…

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The Need for Speed

About speed, I mentioned it before, but now working with a couple of clients and we discuss the need for speed. The need for speed is vital because the improvements that you make in your business, you want those to be fast. You come up with them in a fast pace and you then implement them in a fast pace.…

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Do You Have Zjlobas in Your Organization?

We’re about to prepare for the yearly celebration of spring and the end of our winter. And we do that by making bon fires all around Sweden. So that’s what we’re preparing here and that reminds me of actually a tragic and that was the tragic of the fire in Kemerova in Russia. You might have read about it. I…

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The Two Categories of a Business Analyst

Hi there, Matts Rehnstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. I’m sitting here in the wonderful, as we call it, winter-spring. A lot of snow, but also a lot of sunshine. Anyway, I was about to talk today about the Business Analysts, and where they come from, and I divide it into two categories. One is from within the business, and…

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Lead by Vision

“Daddy, daddy!” the boy runs into the kitchen towards his father. “Yes John, what is it?” his daddy replied. The boy continued, “I heard from mommy that we are maybe going to Rhodes”. “Yes, that it true” his daddy said. “Weheee! Tell me about Rhodes daddy, tell me, tell me! How does it look like and what are we going…

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Lead by strategies

In the last Business Excellence Article (read it here) I wrote about the importance of leading your process or project by a vision. Without a vision you have no control of where people believe that you all together are heading. If you want, which you as a smart leader want, to keep the team together and working towards the same…

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What is your #1 skillset?

Dark clouds form on horizon. They come closer in a speed usually not seen. This something that is not normal. People start to panicking and look around where to run and hide. The priest stands by the altar and look up into the sky that quickly fills with the clouds of bad omen. Thunder roles thru the air. Something is…

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Lead by Purpose

“WHY ARE YOU HERE?” the voice said in a thunder like tone, dragging out on every syllable to create that powerful question. The boy stood in front of the stone statue and was terrified. He suddenly felt so much smaller than he was. Then the question started to sink in as he recalled that he actually has an answer to…

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Walk the Talk!

I bet you heard that children do not do as you tell them, they do as you do. Some of you might have children of your own and know exactly what I mean. And even when we know, it is sometime hard to remember from time to time. Guess what, the same applies in your business. As a leader it is…

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Keep up the Pace!

It seems like the world is spinning faster every year. The demands on our business are increasing by the day. The challenges come quicker. We need to change with it, and we better do it fast. You cannot afford to sit around and wait to adapt. The only way is onward and upward. I understand that it is a lot…

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Managing Your Business

You are a leader in your organization, leading one or several processes. When you look at the work done in operational processes, what do you see? Can you differ the work done? Matter of fact there are three kinds of work done in your process(es). The first work done is the work that directly creates value for you customers. When…

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Controlling Your Process

To control a process is to control much more that you might think. If you are responsible for a whole process, you need to understand if that process involves more than one organization. As many processes do, you also need to have control of the process in those other organizational units, even if you are connected to only one of…

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Project and processes are best friends!

To have a best friend is good. And did you know that your projects are best friend with some of your processes? In an earlier article I mention the fact that projects and processes are best friends (read it hear). In this article I intend to elaborate on that subject. If we imaging that we work within the construction business,…

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The Similarities between Processes and Projects

In an earlier article I talked about the three different types of work (read it here), processes, projects and general tasks. The two main ones that you absolutely need to focus on are project and processes. If you do not take care of them and specify the projects and design the processes, you will end up in mainly doing general…

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You need the time to reflect!

Welcome back to the Business Excellence Article series. The summer here in Sweden has been wonderful for all of us enjoying sunny and warm weather. The summer is also a good time to reflect on things. It is good to be able to relax from the day-to-day race where you might not have the time to reflect. Many people run…

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Book Tips

Everything Counts!

Written by  Gary Ryan Blair This book is an interesting 360 view of how a lot of important components tie together in order for you to succeed with whatever you like to accomplish. When you see the different components and their importance, it gives you a humble perspective of the complexity, and also a feeling of hope as you understand…

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Book Tips

The Future of Management

This book is one of my favorites. The Future of Management is written by Gary Hamel, known as an expert within leadership and business organizational development. One of the reasons I like the book is that it is very close to my own thinking about how to set up and run a successful business. A success that gives the customer…

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