Book Tips

Everything Counts!

Everything countsWritten by  Gary Ryan Blair

This book is an interesting 360 view of how a lot of important components tie together in order for you to succeed with whatever you like to accomplish.

When you see the different components and their importance, it gives you a humble perspective of the complexity, and also a feeling of hope as you understand what you need to start focusing on in order to reach your goals.

I have studied Gary Ryan Blair’s other material as well, and I like his approach on how you set your goals and how you start working to get yourself there.

The book is easy to read and it is divided into 52 chapters for each and every one of the important components.

About Matts Rehnstrom

Matts helps Business Analysts, especially those who work in government administration, to design efficient and high quality business processes for their clients so they are able to deliver value in a sustainable and transparent manner. With over 20 years of advanced business process design in both IT and government, he can show you a simple ‘Business Excellence’ formula which dramatically reduces the time required to design a process as well as ensures it is created in a way which is optimized for the people who actually do the work. The health of the business and the people working in it is always at the forefront of how I help business analysts design their processes. ➔➔If you are a business analyst who wants to ensure you deliver the best possible outcome for their clients (especially if your current project is not running perfectly according to plan!) then Matts can help you.
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