This is a small and interesting book. I say small, as it is no more than 80 pages. It describes how by thinking in the opposite way to traditional thinking, one gets results that are fantastic.
These thoughts make you overcome the fear of getting a “NO!” That NO can be the answer that you get from the invitation to a customer, on your suggestion to start a new project, on your suggestion to try an new idea, or a lot of other things. In your personal life it can be the NO from your spouse, from a friend, that beautiful guy or girl you want to date, and so on.
The author has written it in a story mode with facts woven into the story. A format that I like, and I think I am going to adapt it for some book in the future.
The content is exemplified by looking into a sales person. I think this is because that particular business is fairly easy to portray. The concept is, however, useful for any business and also in your personal life.
I myself got many interesting ideas to work on in the future. I hope that it will lead me to be able to help even more organisations and people to accomplish more, and to be happier.