
Identifiera och organisera er kompetens

I den här videon kommer jag att prata om kompetensorganisationen och varför du behöver ha en. Hej, Matts Rehnström här, Shaper of Business Excellence. I den här videon kommer jag att prata om ännu en av dessa mycket viktiga komponenter som vi har inom vår verksamhet. Och det är så viktigt för dig att utmärka dig. För om du gör det kommer du att ha en mycket bättre organisation och du kommer att ge dina kunder ett mycket bättre värde än du gör idag.

Du borde fokusera mer på kompetensen

Låt oss djupt dyka in i kompetensorganisationen. Vi har pratat om dessa olika komponenter som den baserade modellen, affärsidén och visionen, strategierna och så vidare. Och i min senaste video talade jag om de olika organisationerna inom organisationsmodellen. Och det är i motsats till den linjeorganisation som vi använder för att se hierarkin eftersom hierarkin egentligen inte ger något resultat – hierarkin är en organisation, en struktur. Det är en hierarki av vem – många människor, vem hans chef över vem, och vem var på samma nivå och så vidare. Och mannen eller kvinnan på toppen är den som kontrollerar allt.

Det är dina processer och projekt som kräver specialkompetens

Men om vi undersöker processorganisationen och projektorganisationen, är det dessa två viktiga delar i organisationsmodellen, för det är de som skapar värde. Allt värde som du skapar skapar du i antingen ett projekt eller en process, eller flera projekt, flera processer. Men dessa processer och projekt behöver då kompetens, och det tillhandahålls av kompetensorganisationen. Så om vi flyttar över på detta diagram till kompetensorganisationen kommer du att se att kompetensorganisationen i kontrast, återigen, till linjeorganisationen, det inte är en hierarki.

The Competence Organization is built on Set Theory

It’s more set theory where, we have different sets of skills, of knowledge, of competence. So here we build groups of certain vital competence that we need to have in the organization. If we have it, an industrial company, it could be engineers within one area, engineers within another area. We have administrators, we have people working within sales. But mark me here, when I say sales, it doesn’t mean that it’s the sales department, because other people work with sails as well. It’s not only the sales department that work with sales, the CEO, he does and he is not a part of the sales department, but he works with sales. Someone that works with servicing the customers within the service department, they actually sell as well. So they need to do have competence regarding sales; sales knowledge. So here we grouped all the knowledge that we have that is vital for us.

WHAT you should do, is detailed into HOW you do it

We know within the processes and within the projects we know what to do and we know how to do it. And when we’d come into the HOW we need skills in order to, we need competence in order, to tell exactly how to do with the WHAT.

In the WHAT we can say “fixe the car”. Yes, but if I’m going to then how am I going to fix the car? Yes, you need to dive into the motor, the engine, and you need to fix the engine. Ah, then I need skills! And the skill that I need in order to look into the engine, those are one set of skills that is within the competence on organization. If you don’t have a competence organization or if you don’t look at your competence in the organization in this way, you will always run short of the understanding of what competence, what skills, you have in the organization.

Develop the right competence needed

People will feel unsatisfied with that lack of knowledge they have – The lack of skills they have when they are about to perform different tasks, activities, within the organization. And I meet many organizations where people feel that frustration because they don’t feel that they have been given the chance to learn enough about what they’re supposed to do. And that is because you don’t focus on the competence. You’re focused more on the line organization. But if you have the competence organization, you will focus on competence instead. So you can as, an organization, provide the best skill, the best knowledge, for your processes and your projects. So that’s why you need to have the competence organization.

Do you understand what competence is needed?

If you like to have this poster where you can see all these vital and important components, then just click the link below and we’ll take you to a page where you can download it for free.

So how is it in your organization, do you focus on the competence that you have or do you focus more on the line and functional organization?

You can’t have both. You can have a line organization and have a competence organization at the same time, but if you do, please let me know so I know what you have learned from having the competence organization or if you think it’s a good idea to have one.

Until the next time; let’s go and Shape our Business for Excellence.

About Matts Rehnstrom

Matts helps Business Analysts, especially those who work in government administration, to design efficient and high quality business processes for their clients so they are able to deliver value in a sustainable and transparent manner. With over 20 years of advanced business process design in both IT and government, he can show you a simple ‘Business Excellence’ formula which dramatically reduces the time required to design a process as well as ensures it is created in a way which is optimized for the people who actually do the work. The health of the business and the people working in it is always at the forefront of how I help business analysts design their processes. ➔➔If you are a business analyst who wants to ensure you deliver the best possible outcome for their clients (especially if your current project is not running perfectly according to plan!) then Matts can help you.
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